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The organization firmly beliefs those first one thousand days are important for cognitive and physical development of new born children. The organization has been constantly advocating for access to services of ICDS among   pregnant, lactating mothers and young children.  

The organization is promoting agriculture and allied activities to help marginalized and vulnerable and urban homeless community families to increase their household income. DVAS continues to strive towards promoting access to PDS schemes, social security, old age pensions and other government provisions to combat poverty and hunger among a large number of its work groups. The resolution of the organization is that "no one should sleep hungry and no one should die of hunger" for that the organization cadres should remove the disparity in food and deliver bread to every house and organize mass food programs to work above caste and religion. Kar is working to establish equality with respect, as well as dry ration is provided per family. Due to which, in a way, children are protected from malnutrition and women are working to get rid of diseases like anima due to lack of food.

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